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When did Bing come out?

The official release followed on June 3, 2009. Bing introduced several notable features at its inception, such as search suggestions during query input and a list of related searches, known as the 'Explore pane'. These features leveraged semantic technology from Powerset, a company Microsoft acquired in 2008.

How much did Microsoft pay for Bing?

In 2009 Microsoft paid Verizon Wireless US$550 million to use Bing as the default search provider on Verizon's BlackBerry and have the others "turned off". Users could still access other search engines via the mobile browser. Since 2006, Microsoft had conducted tie-ins and promotions to promote Microsoft's search offerings.

How long did Yahoo & Bing last?

The Microsoft-Yahoo! arrangement was scheduled to last for 10 years, and Bing largely powered Yahoo! Search across the globe from 2012.

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